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关键词优化精灵培训材料(内部VIP使用  禁止外传)
淘宝大学株洲金星教育 文建国 讲师
a)     30个汉字充分利用,但不要语句不通、毛病很多、堆砌关键词标题,一是淘宝抵制,虽然现在没那么严格;二是用户体验不好.
注:淘宝规则:避免使用大量类似/重复标题、故意堆砌一些品牌、使用特殊符号、注意敏感词,适当使用空格 .
b)     关键词如何排列
l         第一关键词+第二关键词=第一关键词+特殊字符+第二关键词即紧密排列规律,搜索时特殊字符将被忽略,搜索结果不含拆分(即搜索结果中多个关键词按照顺序紧密相连)。
l         第一关键词+空格+第二关键词=第二关键词+空格+第一关键词,即顺序无关规律,用空格分割两个关键词搜索的结果中含拆分(即搜索结果中既有多个关键词紧密相连又有多个关键词不紧密相连的情况),关键词出现顺序和搜索时的顺序无关。

                韩版百搭纯色毛衣 男装全棉男式时尚小开衫春款薄线衫针织衫











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株洲市天猫商城培训、阿里巴巴培训、专业网络运营、淘宝天猫装修、运营培训、电子商务培训、微信开店营销培训、株洲市首家微信培训机构。欢迎国内院校 企业商家预约上门指导淘宝网店营销与微信运营实战讲座

招生电话:13907330963   文老师     电话号:0731-28813388 童老师

QQ:121076910     地址:株洲市天元区长江北路39号    (河西觅你酒店正对面,株洲市劳动局对面)天元超市对面。



Company Overview

Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. We operate leading online and mobile marketplaces in consumer and business-to-business commerce, as well as cloud computing and other services. We are committed to developing a technology-driven commerce ecosystem for the benefit of consumers, merchants and service providers.

Alibaba Group was founded in 1999 by 18 people led by Jack Ma, a former English teacher from Hangzhou, China. Ma’s vision was to use the open nature of the Internet to level the playing field so small businesses could compete more effectively in national and global markets.

Alibaba Group’s major businesses include:



Taobao Marketplace - China's most visited online shopping destination according to Alexa.com

Taobao Marketplace (www.taobao.com) is the Internet destination of choice for Chinese consumers looking for convenience, wide selection and value. Shoppers choose from a wide range of products and services on Taobao Marketplace, which features hundreds of millions of product listings. Taobao Marketplace was launched in May 2003. It is currently one of the world’s top 10 most visited websites, according to Alexa.com, and was the top mobile commerce app in China in January 2014, according to iResearch.

Tmall.com - China's leading online mall for quality, brand-name goods

Tmall.com (www.tmall.com) is dedicated to providing a first-class shopping experience for increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumers in search of top-quality branded merchandise. It was launched in April 2008 as part of Taobao Marketplace and became an independent platform in June 2011.

Thousands of international and Chinese brands and retail merchants have established storefronts on Tmall.com. Among these brands are Apple, Microsoft, UNIQLO, L’Oréal, adidas, P&G, Unilever, Gap, Ray-Ban, Nike and Levi's. Tmall.com was the largest B2C online retail platform in China based on the value of goods transacted as of September 2013, according to iResearch.


Alibaba.com - Leading global wholesale platform for small businesses

The original business of Alibaba Group founded in Jack Ma’s apartment, Alibaba.com (www.alibaba.com) is the leading platform for cross-border wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the globe. Through Alibaba.com, small businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries and source merchandise from abroad.


AliExpress - Popular international e-marketplace for consumers

Launched in April 2010, AliExpress (www.aliexpress.com) is a retail marketplace targeted at consumers worldwide, many of them located in the United States, Canada and emerging markets including Russia, Brazil and Ukraine. The platform is made up of small business sellers offering good value on a wide variety of consumer products.

Alibaba Cloud Computing - Developer of platforms for cloud computing and data management

Established in September 2009, Alibaba Cloud Computing (www.aliyun.com) develops highly scalable platforms for cloud computing and data management. It supports Alibaba Group’s commerce ecosystem and also provides sellers and third-party service providers on our marketplaces and any customer who needs computing power with a comprehensive suite of Internet-based computing services.

We also derive support for our ecosystem from the businesses and services of affiliated entities including:



Alipay - Leading online and mobile payment solution in China

Launched in December 2004 and operating as an affiliate of Alibaba Group, Alipay (www.alipay.com) provides an easy and secure way for individuals and businesses to make and receive payments online and on mobile phones. Alipay is the payment solution supporting the online and mobile versions of Taobao Marketplace and Tmall.com, and is used by leading online merchants in the retail, digital entertainment, telecoms and travel industries. Consumers also use Alipay for daily activities such as paying restaurant, utility, healthcare and credit card bills. Alipay is not our subsidiary but is our affiliated entity.

Alipay offers an online payment solution to help retailers in North America and Europe sell directly to consumers in China and supports transactions in 14 major foreign currencies.

History & Milestones

1999 Alibaba Group is officially established by its 18 founders, led by Jack Ma, working out of a Hangzhou apartment.
1999-2000 Alibaba Group raises US$25 million from Softbank, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, and other institutions.
2002 Alibaba.com becomes profitable.
2003 Consumer e-commerce website Taobao is founded, again in Jack Ma's apartment.
Online payment system Alipay is launched.
2005 Alibaba Group forms a strategic partnership with Yahoo! Inc. and takes over the operation of China Yahoo!.
2006 Alibaba Group makes a strategic investment in Koubei.com.
2007 Internet-based business software company Alisoft is launched. (January)
Alibaba.com Limited lists on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. (November)
Alibaba Group launches Alimama, an online advertising exchange company. (November)
2008 Taobao Mall (currently known as Tmall.com), a dedicated B2C platform, is introduced to complement Taobao’s C2C marketplace. (April)
Koubei.com merges with China Yahoo! to form Yahoo! Koubei. (June)
Alimama is integrated with Taobao. (September)
Alibaba Group R&D Institute is established. (September)
2009 Alisoft merges with Alibaba Group R&D Institute. (July)
Alisoft's Business Management Software division is injected into Alibaba.com. (August)
Koubei.com is injected into Taobao as part of the "Big Taobao" strategy, which positions Taobao as a one-stop e-commerce service provider to promote wider use of e-commerce among consumers. (August)
Alibaba Cloud Computing is established in conjunction with Alibaba Group's 10th anniversary celebration. (September)
2010 Alibaba Group creates a cross-business team comprising senior managers from Taobao, Alipay, Alibaba Cloud Computing and China Yahoo! to execute a full-scale roll-out of the "Big Taobao" strategy. (March)
Alibaba Group announces that it will begin in 2010 to earmark 0.3 percent of annual revenues to fund efforts designed to spur environmental awareness and conservation in China and around the world. (May)
Taobao Mall launches a new independent web domain, Tmall.com. (November)
2011 Alibaba Group announces its plan to build a network of warehouses across China and, together with its partners, drive major investment in logistics development in the country. (January)
Alibaba Group reorganizes Taobao into three separate companies, Taobao Marketplace, Tmall.com and eTao, to capture Chinese consumer e-commerce opportunities. (June)
2012 Tmall.com changes its Chinese name to strengthen its positioning as a source of high-quality, brand-name products. (January)
Alibaba.com delists from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. (June)
Alibaba Group upgrades its existing subsidiaries’ operations by placing them within seven business groups: Alibaba International Business Operations, Alibaba Small Business Operations, Taobao Marketplace, Tmall.com, Juhuasuan, eTao and Alibaba Cloud Computing. (July)
Alibaba Group completes the initial repurchase of shares from Yahoo! and restructures its relationship with the latter. (September)
Taobao Marketplace and Tmall.com reach a combined GMV of RMB1 trillion for the period January to November 2012. (November)
2013 Alibaba Cloud Computing merges with HiChina. (January)
Alibaba Group is reorganized into 25 business units to better adapt to China’s fast-growing e-commerce environment. (January)



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